Cosmic and the platform to connect startups and talent

Cosmic and the platform to connect startups and talent

Applications are now open for Cosmico’s new platform, which is a startup that connects talent in the digital world with the largest international companies, agencies, consulting firms and startups. The new portal aims to be a virtual space that connects digital talent with big international brands. In Cosmico in fact the Designers, developers, creatives and companies seeking talent connect, get to know each other and collaborate on projects.

Thanks to selections that promise everyone transparent processes and clear contracts.

Cosmico’s platform to connect startups and talent

Figures sought are freelancers or agencies working in digital in development and coding, design, marketing and communications. With the desire to collaborate on major projects on a national and international scale while remaining free of constraints. Cosmic defines them unhirables, literally unemployable: they know what they are worth, they know they can get where they want to go, but they are not content to work for just one company.

The application process is developed in a few simple steps. From entering their name and email address, to reporting their skills and scope of work. To end with the CV upload.

In the last step, each candidate finally receives A personality test to be filled out, that the Cosmico team needs to optimally profile all talent. C,osing to create the right match with companies.

Talent as a Service

To date Cosmic collaborates with more than 150 professionals, specializing in coding, UX/UI design and copywriting. Companies, taking advantage of the startup’s consulting services, have The guarantee of collaborating with the best talent in the field for their short- or long-term projects. Over to reliability, flexibility and cost-effective hiring, companies will also have the advantage of working with figures digital e smart.

Who already master the new working methodologies, also accelerating the learning and digital transformation of the company itself.

The startup Cosmico has also decided to develop a new division, created with a view to implementing live smart working experiences. By organizing in Italy and abroad more and more moments of meeting and confrontation. The first two experiments were :

  • June 2021 with MSC Cruises, With the kickoff of the first cruise in Italy for Smart Workers
  • in Chianti from Sept. 23 to 262021 and in Bormio, Dec. 9-12, 2021, with a networking and training project aimed at digital boards and managers.

Cosmico’s new portal was created by Catanian digital agency The Wave Studio, part of the startup’s talent network.

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