1 million Android devices infected with unwanted ads malware

1 million Android devices infected with unwanted ads malware. Here is how to remove it.

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Cheetan Mobile, Android platform security product development company known for the popular Clean Master, CM Launcher, CM Security, Battery Doctor products announced that it has discovered malware nested in several applications in the official Google Play Store To which it has given the name Ghost Push and one that would be able to insert itself into the root the infected Android device, without any possibility for the user to be able to remove it.

At the moment, according to Cheetan Mobile’s reports, there are already several variants of the Ghost Push malware that are present on downloadable apps from forums, third-party app stores, and even the official Google Play Store and that would have already Infected 1 million Android devices in 116 countries worldwide.


Fortunately, after Cheetan Mobile reported the presence of the malware in the official Play Store, Google rushed to remove the offending apps from its store, although of course being able to remove the malware from unofficially distributed third-party apps will definitely be a slower and more difficult task.


What the Ghost Push malware and all its variants do is simple: once it is installed in the root of the infected Android device, it starts showing advertisements with every operation, affecting the’user experience for the user as well as installing new applications, which are also infected with the virus. So far thanks to all the advertisements shown on devices, hackers have managed to earn as much as over $4 million per day, Completely blocking unsuspecting users’ smartphones and tablets.

Fortunately, Cheetah Mobile has managed to develop a Tool that allows you to locate and remove Ghost Push malware quickly and easily, thus enabling the complete blocking of the display of unwanted advertisements on Android smartphones and tablets.

To download the tool all you have to do is click on the link below, launch it directly on the infected device and follow the simple instructions for removing Ghost Push malware for Android.

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