IPhone Apple wants to develop satellite connections for its devices

iPhone: Apple wants to develop satellite connections for its devices

Which Apple Always look out for future technologies is a given. The home of Cupertino has shown a willingness to invest in different sectors of the market, and after TV and a tentative approach to gaming, the next step will be space.

Yes that’s right, Apple is preparing to invest in a new business that is slowly beginning to take its first steps in the phone industry and the network in general, namely satellites.

According to the report by Bloomberg, the company has reportedly already put together a team of engineers, still small, but already capable of beginning to take the first steps in developing a data transmission system that could allow multiple satellites to be connected with attached Apple family devices, such as iPhone e iWatch.

The project is still in the early stages of study, and at the moment there are still many doubts hovering in the air: will Apple rely on other external satellites, or will it develop new and proprietary ones specifically to host the communication systems that will then be used by the company.

The’goal is obviously to make users less and less dependent on telco operators, making them more independent by taking advantage of satellite communication, going for improved geolocation systems, while also going against traditional wireless networks.

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