Mozilla plans to implement Manifest V3 in Firefox

Mozilla plans to implement Manifest V3 in Firefox

Mozilla revealed how it plans to implement Manifest V3 in Firefox . Firefox will fully embrace the next iteration of the web extension platform by the end of 2022 and, in preparation for this, is launching a new developer preview program to gather feedback.

Manifest V3 in Mozilla FireFox

Manifest V3 is the’latest set of changes for the platform that will makes web extensions more secure, faster and privacy-friendly . It was first announced by Google in 2019, and developers have widely criticized it. This is because it makes extensions of many features less effective. Google Chrome, in fact, has stopped accepting new extensions based on Manifest V2, and existing Manifest V2 extensions will no longer work as of January 2023. In this regard, Mozilla will take a different approach in the’implementation of Manifest V3 compared to Google Chrome.

The new API Declarative Net Request will not be the perfect replacement for the WebRequest API, thus limiting the scope of ad blockers and privacy extensions. ” Mozilla will maintain support for blocking WebRequest in MV3. To maximize compatibility with other browsers, we will also provide support for Declarative Net Request. We will continue to work with content blockers and other key consumers of this API to identify current and future alternatives where appropriate. “, he wrote Rob Wu, Senior Software Engineer, Mozilla .

Also Event Pages will be fully supported in the implementation of Manifest V3. ” In Firefox, we have decided to support event pages in MV3 and our developer preview will not include Service Workers (we are continuing to work on supporting them for a future version). This will help developers more easily migrate existing background pages to support MV3 while maintaining access to all DOM-related features available in MV2.

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